Tuesday, October 6, 2009


As I have stated in other blogs,etc. the late REMY(REMEGIO) AMADOR PRESAS is considered the FATHER OF MODERN ARNIS,which essentially means,THE FOUNDER OF MODERN ARNIS. HIs contribution to the world-wide dissemination of Philippine Stick Fighting or Arnis cannot be minimized and this meant that people could safely learn the methods of stick fighting and defense safely and in an organized manner. I have discussed some of my meetings with him elsewhere.


Kenpo, sometimes spelled kempo, started basically in Hawaii and from there spread to the US Mainland, where today it is widespread and varied in methodology,etc. The FATHER OF AMERICAN KENPO (sometimes called Kenpo Karate) is ED PARKER, author of many books on the subject and who made this art popular and efficient and effective on the mainland. His contributions to this martial art have been described and noted many,many times. I corresponded briefly with him from the Philippines and later met him twice in Manchester,New Hampshire,where he gave seminars. He graciously autographed his book(s) for me which I have in my library. I later donated his book on the Nunchaku to the Hawaii Karate Museum.


The title FATHER OF AMERICAN KARATE goes to ROBERT A. TRIAS, who founded the UNITED STATES KARATE ASSOCIATION(USKA) whom I met some years ago,after joining the USKA,while in the Philippines. At my suggestion and 'invitation' the late Bob Trias brought his championship team to the Philippines as they were on a tour to Japan,Korea, and Okinawa. While there we met with various Filipino, Chinese and Japanese Masters, instructors and practitioners. Bob started teaching karate in the US shortly after returning to the US after World War II and his dojo is certainly the oldest one on the continental US. Of course, some kungfu/Chinese martial arts preceded karate, but modern karate on the US Mainland took a long time, although Hawaii had practitioners,etc. before this. Later, I hope to describe the USKA visit to the Philippines and other things that may be pertinent.

Monday, October 5, 2009


I met THE FATHER OF PHILIPPINE JUDO, Mr. Pedro Balingit when he was still alive and also at the Philippine Institute of Criminology. The author of a judo book that went through several editions and revisions, Mr. Balingit studied in Japan and kept judo going during WWII and was also very active after the war. When I visited him at his house and home dojo, he did a head stand for me and showed me a number of things and we had a great discussion of things to be sure. I regret not being able to visit him after that time but he graciously autographed my book which I still have in my library.


I met the "FATHER OF PHILIPPINE AIKIDO' Benjamin Galarpe in Manila some years ago and visited his club on the corner of RIZAL AVENUE. The late Antonio V. Mendoza and also Grandmaster Amante P. Marinas,Sr. studied aikido there as did many others too numerous to mention. Some persons,those I met at FEU claimed that there were other practitioners and pioneers of aikido before Benjamin Galarpe but they could not give me any specific names at the time.